There was once a place where legendary martyrs of the Philippines used to describe as beautiful and inspiring. There was once a place where Filipino poets and painters watch in awe as the proverbial bangka passes by ferrying commuters from Laguna de Bay towards Manila Bay.
That is all a memory now.
In a medical mission last August 1, 2009 in Mabunga Pasig, I was honored to see for the first time the historic Pasig River. Robbed of its former glory and with the dreadful stench of feces and urine, I can't help but wonder how we virtually abused this once beautiful river.
Global Warming. Overpopulation. We really made a mess of this world.
And just when you thought all hope is extinguished, comes the romantics. Described by some as desperate as the river itself, they believe that things can and do change. They believe that there is still time for regaining the former glory that was once the Pasig River. They believe that by taking care of our environment and our fellowmen, we can ensure a better world for our children.
And so goes my tribute to them. My ode to the romantics.
To the Live for Others Movement of Mabuga Pasig - the women who work desperately and tirelessly day in and day out to care and live for others. May you continually be blessed and may you never lose that spark that makes you all so endearing and inspiring.
And to nameless others who continually fight for our earth.
mAniLa, pHiLiPpInEs
thEsE sToriEs aRe NoT fOr tHE sUbLiMe
NeItHeR aRe tHeY fOr tHe CyNiCaL
AnD fOr My SaKe I hAvE tO aDd tHaT
aNy SiMiLaRitIeS to PeOpLe, LiViNg oR DeCeAsEd
iS pUreLy CoInCiDeNtIaL
ThIs iS mY aTTeMpT At LiTeRaTuRe
mY PeRsOnaL EsSaYs
My OdYssEy tO fInD mEaNinG aNd tOuCh
iN a WorLd gOnE AwRy
NeItHeR aRe tHeY fOr tHe CyNiCaL
AnD fOr My SaKe I hAvE tO aDd tHaT
aNy SiMiLaRitIeS to PeOpLe, LiViNg oR DeCeAsEd
iS pUreLy CoInCiDeNtIaL
ThIs iS mY aTTeMpT At LiTeRaTuRe
mY PeRsOnaL EsSaYs
My OdYssEy tO fInD mEaNinG aNd tOuCh
iN a WorLd gOnE AwRy
aMaZiNg fRiEnDs
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Besides working as a primary care physician, docsala is also a licensed real estate broker, insurance agent and recently finished his MBA in Capital Markets as salutatorian. Amidst his seeming capitalist persona, he still dreams of becoming the next Nobel Prize winner for Peace. Being in league with the Dalai Lama and Mother Theresa is still his most cherished aspiration.
© 2008. All texts and images found on this weblog are my intellectual property. No portion of this blog, in part or in full, may be reproduced in any form without my consent.
nO sTeALinG
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