oH my StaRs and gArterS  

Posted by docsala

I wEnt to mAkati med today to get rid of my zit. Why makati med instead of St. Luke's?
It was actually because my longtime friend J is now taking a residency
in dermatology and i get to have dermabrasion for a very cheap price.
So aRmed with my 500 bucks, I went out that evening. I was about to board the jeep
when I realized how incredibly clear the night sky was.
So clear I can actually see The constellation of the hunter Orion.
Yes, i know a little of astronomy in college. In comes in handy when you want to impress a date. It's easy to see in a clear night and the story is so tragic that trust me, you'll probably
get laid that night. I know I did.
It is so easy to fall in love and be lost in a passionate embrace, I told myself.
Enter J.
She has been in a relationship with a guy for 10 years and just when I was so sure
that they would end up in the altar, they ended up in an altar alright but it was an altar where the Incas performed virgin sacrifices. And that's just the beginning.
Then there were death threats and lawyers and halfway I realized her life would have put MeLrOse PlAcE to shame.
She met someone now though. Better. Her life was better now
without the controversy and the death threats. She lives simply among the ruins
of past heartaches and old majestic tombstones that once reminded her
of long forgotten kisses.
In a way, I envy her. She finally found her place with the starS.

This entry was posted on Friday, April 18, 2008 at Friday, April 18, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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