ThE MiGhTy SeRaPHiMs  

Posted by docsala

It is true what they say, you know. When you are at the lowest point of your life, these beings comfort you and make all those demons disappear. Vanish and just like that, the world becomes new again and beautiful.
When I was mugged a long long time ago, I met her. She was a law student back then and her life was legendary. Like the great Archangels who saved paradise from the Light Bringer. She was one of them. More powerful than the cherubs. And more beautiful than the devil.
She taught me that I should file the robbery charge even though they may never catch the one who mugged me because it was now a crime against the state and not the person. It was fascinating how she argued her case. And naturally, I fell in love. For she was my protector. My avenging angel.
We would go out and she would bring me to those fancy restaurants all expense paid. To theaters and CPKs and it was always the same. She would regal me with stories about people who went through their lives fighting for what they believe was right. And I would watch her strike down those demons like it was her duty, her obligation to rid the world of the unjust and the unholy.

Until I realized I did not need avenging anymore.

This entry was posted on Saturday, July 12, 2008 at Saturday, July 12, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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