It was the morning after the devastation of Typhoon Undoy. What seemed to be a beautiful day turned out to be a nightmare for most of the residents in Metro Manila. And since I was spared, I felt it was my duty to help at least in among those whose lives have been ruined.
Survivor. I like that word. You see a few weeks ago I was also invited by ABS CBN to help the survivors of the Superferry Tragedy. In the wake of an even greater disaster, we are left with wondering why these things are happening. We have been, afterall, good followers of the faith.
How then could a God be so cruel to make us suffer just so he can claim he has dominion over all life? It is a God only the zealots can understand.
Of course to the intellectuals we can blame it on so many others things. Things like Climate Change, Global Warming, or even the sheer stupidity of opening those dams when the rain was at its peak.
Then again, when faced with an overwhelming tragedy, when lives and properties are lost, it is only human nature to seek consolation that there is a greater meaning in everything that is happening to us.
When I went to Krus na Ligas to volunteer for the medical/dental mission after the typhoon, I came armed with knowledge on Disaster Coordination, Infectious Diseases, Biblical passages and yes, even Post traumatic Stress Syndrome. Then I met Anna, the girl in the photograph who told me about her ordeal and realized that in the end, words are all we really have.
mAniLa, pHiLiPpInEs
thEsE sToriEs aRe NoT fOr tHE sUbLiMe
NeItHeR aRe tHeY fOr tHe CyNiCaL
AnD fOr My SaKe I hAvE tO aDd tHaT
aNy SiMiLaRitIeS to PeOpLe, LiViNg oR DeCeAsEd
iS pUreLy CoInCiDeNtIaL
ThIs iS mY aTTeMpT At LiTeRaTuRe
mY PeRsOnaL EsSaYs
My OdYssEy tO fInD mEaNinG aNd tOuCh
iN a WorLd gOnE AwRy
NeItHeR aRe tHeY fOr tHe CyNiCaL
AnD fOr My SaKe I hAvE tO aDd tHaT
aNy SiMiLaRitIeS to PeOpLe, LiViNg oR DeCeAsEd
iS pUreLy CoInCiDeNtIaL
ThIs iS mY aTTeMpT At LiTeRaTuRe
mY PeRsOnaL EsSaYs
My OdYssEy tO fInD mEaNinG aNd tOuCh
iN a WorLd gOnE AwRy
aMaZiNg fRiEnDs
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Besides working as a primary care physician, docsala is also a licensed real estate broker, insurance agent and recently finished his MBA in Capital Markets as salutatorian. Amidst his seeming capitalist persona, he still dreams of becoming the next Nobel Prize winner for Peace. Being in league with the Dalai Lama and Mother Theresa is still his most cherished aspiration.
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nO sTeALinG
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