thEsE sToriEs aRe NoT fOr tHE sUbLiMe NeItHeR aRe tHeY fOr tHe CyNiCaL AnD fOr My SaKe I hAvE tO aDd tHaT aNy SiMiLaRitIeS to PeOpLe, LiViNg oR DeCeAsEd iS pUreLy CoInCiDeNtIaL ThIs iS mY aTTeMpT At LiTeRaTuRe mY PeRsOnaL EsSaYs My OdYssEy tO fInD mEaNinG aNd tOuCh iN a WorLd gOnE AwRy
Besides working as a primary care physician, docsala is also a licensed real estate broker, insurance agent and recently finished his MBA in Capital Markets as salutatorian. Amidst his seeming capitalist persona, he still dreams of becoming the next Nobel Prize winner for Peace. Being in league with the Dalai Lama and Mother Theresa is still his most cherished aspiration.