aLMosT GoLdEn  

Posted by docsala

I understand everything now. The nature of these addictions. How they seduce and control me like a puppet on a string. I always thought that since I never had a childhood, I was merely compensating for it. But like everything else I thought I knew, I was wrong. There is always a deeper meaning to everything. Or so my amazon princess lead me to believe.

You see when I first started with these addictions, everything was new and exciting. Everything was beautiful. Like Chocolait. Like Mango Passion Fruit. Like Apple Berry Freeze. And I guess as time passed by, I realized they were only beautiful because I coveted them. Because I wanted to own them. To taste their every curve, their every scent like they belonged to no one but to me. To torture them until the only name that comes out of their mouth is mine, and mine alone.
But there was always something missing in every encounter. In every secret. Something I could never quite understand. Until now.
When storm signal number 3 ravaged Manila, I was left with nothing but my pen. So I started writing again. About Diana of Themiscyra and her golden lasso. About my grade shool professor and her daring adventures with the Justice League. And even though I failed my teacher countless times as these addictions have started to consume me, I am still grateful. Grateful that she has instilled in me my worth before these obsessions overpowered me. Grateful that I will burn with her like wild fire. Not like Ice. Cold and unrelenting.
Oh yes, Fire. Like my wild things encounter. And with this fire, I will burn the world I know. Like the legendary phoenix. Make it disappear. Remember it no more. Just like that. And change. Perhaps into someone better. Or worst. Someone I will not even know. And soon I will have to find comfort in the fact that these addictions no longer fit my life. No. No more. There has to be something better than these.

I guess my amazon princess already taught me all I needed to know. After showing me her golden lasso, thousands and thousands of nights ago. She already changed me. I simply forgot about our encounter.

This entry was posted on Sunday, June 22, 2008 at Sunday, June 22, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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