DaRk ChErUb ChRoNiCLeS pArT 2. LeMon FlaVoReD iCeD TeA  

Posted by docsala

We walked passed old buildings and scenic views in UP Los Banos I didn't want to be reminded of. Then again she was persistent. So I conceded. The Old CAS building. Baker Hall. The Carillion Tower. The YMCA dormitory. Places I used to find fascination with.
I was a great guide, she told me. I suspect she must have not had many guides before. Or she was lying. Like what I usually say whenever I feel the need to please someone.
But then in that picturesque moment, she did something uncanny.

She shared her Lemon flavored Ice tea bottle with me.

And there it was again, for someone who wanted to find meaning in such simple gestures, it meant a lot. That she was sharing her life with me. That she was giving me permission to know her. In tiny bits and pieces.

And I was fascinated.

This entry was posted on Tuesday, July 8, 2008 at Tuesday, July 08, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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