HaPpY mEaL  

Posted by docsala

I had my 2nd clinic day yesterday. To say it was cool was an understatement, it was fun.
Then when I was about to have my lunch break at Mcdonalds, an old friend Erin caught up with me. I think she just had her wrists broken after a badminton game that ended, well, bad. So there I was in SM Food Court eating happy meal and pretending to care about her badminton game. I used my usual it must be fun right speech. And I think it worked, somehow, because she didn't stop talking about it.
Pretending has always been fun for me. I guess for her too. She likes to think she came to terms with her life now. That she's happier. No sex, just pure badminton, she'd say. She got rid of all her bad habits. Most, I think, except me. I guess I'm one bad habit she didn't want to get rid of.
I always laugh at people who say that. It's like saying I've become a whole new person. Better than you. No more superficial crap and then something horrible happens to them, and you see them for who they really are. Ugly. Lifeless. Boring. That was all I needed to hear though.
Being an expert in reading people, it was confirmation enough. She is finally in a long term relationship.
So how long have you been with him, I cut her short. 3 years or so. Not counting the courtship rituals of course. Something which I could never understand. Why spend a lot of time talking when you can get to know somebody better in less time and effort?
Goodbye. Finally. I couldn't take it anymore. I was starting to have vertigo all over again.
She took her bags and left. Left me with my Mcdonald's happy meal.
I used to be her happy meal you know.
I guess she found another BurGer much better than happy meal.

This entry was posted on Saturday, May 3, 2008 at Saturday, May 03, 2008 . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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